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Here is a great approach to get better feedback results to present to your potential customers and CEOs...

Just mark everything up to 6 with a red, frowning face...

@navigium goodhart's law in action?

I've got to imagine this started with someone in the C-suite saying anything below a 9 is unacceptable.




At an old job, when they rolled out a new performance evaluation system, designed to "inflation" by changing all ratings to "fails to meet/meets/exceeds expectations" applied over several categories, with the intent most people are rated "meets expectations".

During the meeting announcing this, one of the supervisors says: "what do I put if I expect all of my employees to exceed expectations?"

I made a mental note to never work for them.

Aug 29, 2024, 14:27 · · · Tusky · 0 · 0
@Evan KC2IHX that's a very weird attitude. I mean, isn't this contradictory if you expect your employees to exceed your expectations?


Exactly. He couldn't understand that contradiction when someone questioned him on it.

What I heard was that his employees are only successful if they do more than what he asks them to do. Seems like a pretty toxic attitude in my mind.

Not that different from "only a 9 or 10 is acceptable"


@Evan KC2IHX Yeah, I wouldn't want to work in such a toxic environment. To me this sound a lot like "On a scale from 1 to 10 I expect you to reach 11"....